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Please find on this page a range of services I provide. During my own healing journey I delved into many practices and found the practices I now offer to be the most effective of their kind. 

Jikiden Reiki 

Jikiden Reiki is Reiki as it was originally, completely free from Western influence. During the treatment the practitioner places their hands directly on the recipient and the body begins to take Reiki energy. Throughout the treatment the practitioner is guided by the blockages in the body, and treats the areas that need Reiki energy most, optimising and personalising the the treatment to each individual person. Jikiden Reiki is ideal for treatment anything of the mind, body and soul, harmonising and balancing along the way.


Anusha Healing

Anusha Energy is immensely powerful yet gentle. lying down on the treatment bed I will channel the Energy into blockages both on and off the body. Often promoting deep calm and relaxation, Anusha energy calls off the search for anything outside of you. Recipients often experience a profound letting go of earthly anxieties. Old patterns and issues are released and surrendered and replaced with an exquisite feeling of total peace and serenity. Anusha facilitates looking inside and recognising that you already have all you ever wanted, that’s the signature of the whole healing system.


Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation is a direct energy transmission of life force energy and non-dual states of consciousness (oneness). during a session the practitioner will work on and off the body, touch certain energetic points, and transmit the energy. Spontaneous body movements can and do arise, accompanied by visions, bliss states, emotional release, ancestral healing and more. Although sessions are profound, it's really about the shifts that takes place in your life afterwards. Recipients often report a profound sense of clarity afterwards.  The transmission is an activation of your energy system and breaks down anything inauthentic to you.

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